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MD-100 emulator

The program allows the emulated calculators PB-1000 and PB-2000C to access files on an MD-100 floppy disk image over the network using the TCP/IP protocol.
It works on PC-compatible machines with Microsoft Windows operating system.

Files to download

Program version 15, updated 2015/03/21 - Delphi sources, file size: 16kB - compiled executable, file size: 188kB



Launch the program md100srv.exe first, then one of the emulated calculators. Close the programs in opposite order, first the calculator then the FDD server.

The screenshot

Screenshot of the MD-100 emulator

Usage hints

The md100srv.ini file

Some parameters of the emulator can be customised by editing the md100srv.ini file with any text editor.
Description of the contents of this file:

This setting specifies the port that the FDD server will listen on.
This setting specifies the name of an optional log file which records all transferred data.


Conversion utilities

Marcus von Cube wrote an utility md100 for manipulating the MD-100 disk images. The program can be used to transfer files between the PC local disk and the virtual MD-100 disk.