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Elektronika MK-85 - data formats

All numbers on this page are hexadecimal, unless stated otherwise.

Character set

Character set

This drawing was machine generated from the ROM image.

BASIC tokens

    C0 SIN       D0 CHR       E0 THEN      F0 TEST
    C1 COS       D1 ASCI      E1 TO        F1 WHO
    C2 TAN       D2 RND       E2 STEP
    C3 ASN       D3 MID       E3 STOP
    C4 ACS       D4 GETC      E4 END
    C5 ATN       D5 RAN#      E5 LETC
    C6 LOG       D6 KEY       E6 DEFM
    C7 LN        D7 CSR       E7 VAC
    C8 EXP       D8 NEXT      E8 MODE
    C9 SQR       D9 GOTO      E9 SET
    CA ABS       DA GOSUB     EA DRAWC
    CC SGN       DC IF        EC RUN
    CD FRAC      DD FOR       ED LIST
    CE VAL       DE PRINT     EE AUTO
    CF LEN       DF INPUT     EF CLEAR

Key scan codes (as returned by the ROM subroutine 0820)

                 10 5         20 D         30 T
    01 Mode      11 6         21 E         31 U
    02 [S]       12 7         22 F         32 V
    03 [F]       13 8         23 G         33 W
    04 EXE       14 9         24 H         34 X
    05 <-        15 space     25 I         35 Y
    06 ->        16 .         26 J         36 Z
    07 AC        17 -         27 K
    08 DEL       18 +         28 L
    09 ANS       19 *         29 M
    0A Init      1A /         2A N
    0B 0         1B EE        2B O
    0C 1         1C =         2C P
    0D 2         1D A         2D Q
    0E 3         1E B         2E R
    0F 4         1F C         2F S

Internal data representation - variables

Each variable (except the string variable $) occupies 8 bytes (= 4 words) of RAM.

String variables

A string variable can hold up to 7 characters.
The most significant byte of the first word contains value 60 which identifies a string variable. The remaining bytes hold the character codes. Spare locations are padded with zeroes.

    A$ = ""             6000 0000 0000 0000
    A$ = "ABCD"         6041 4342 0044 0000
    A$ = "1234567"      6031 3332 3534 3736

Numeric variables

Numeric values are stored in packed decimal floating point format.
Structure of the first word:

Next three words contain the mantissa in range .100000000000 to .999999999999 in packed BCD format.

    A = 0             0000 0000 0000 0000
    A = 1             1001 1000 0000 0000   ( .100000000000E01)
    A = -1            9001 1000 0000 0000   (-.100000000000E01)
    A = 100           1003 1000 0000 0000   ( .100000000000E03)
    A = -100          9003 1000 0000 0000   (-.100000000000E03)
    A = PI            1001 3141 5926 5360   ( .314159265360E01)
    A = -PI           9001 3141 5926 5360   (-.314159265360E01)
    A = 0.01          0FFF 1000 0000 0000   ( .100000000000E-01)
    A = -0.01         8FFF 1000 0000 0000   (-.100000000000E-01)
    A = 1/3           1000 3333 3333 3333   ( .333333333333E-00)
    A = -1/3          9000 3333 3333 3333   (-.333333333333E-00)
    A = 1.2E1234      14D3 1200 0000 0000   ( .120000000000E1235)
    A = -9.8E-1234    8B2F 9800 0000 0000   (-.980000000000E-1233)

Special string variable $

The string variable $ can hold up to 30 (decimal) characters. The string stored in the memory is terminated by zero.

    $ = "ABCDEFG"
    41 42 43 44  45 46 47 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00

Internal data representation on the stack

Numeric variables

     1 word         identifier 2000
     1 word         address of the variable (points to the end of the
     2 words        not used

For example, variable A is stored on the stack as 2000 8800 0000 0000.

String variables

     1 word         identifier 4000
     1 word         address of the variable (points to the end of the
     1 word         length of the string
     1 word         not used

For example, variable A$ containing the string "ABCD" is stored on the stack as 4000 8800 0004 0000.

Special string variable $

     1 word         identifier 4001
     1 word         address of the variable 814E
     1 word         length of the string
     1 word         not used

For example, variable $ containing the string "ABCDEF" is stored on the stack as 4001 814E 0006 0000.


The same format applies as for numbers stored in numeric variables.


     1 word         identifier 4080
     1 word         address of the string
     1 word         length of the string
     1 word         not used

BASIC program structure

BASIC line begins with the line number stored in binary format in 2 bytes, ends with an end marker 00. BASIC keywords are stored as single byte tokens, numeric values as strings of characters.

    1234 FOR I=1 TO 49 STEP 1: NEXT I
    D2 04 DD 4A 3D 31 E1 34 39 E2 31 3A D8 4A 00

FOR stack

Each time a FOR statement is executed, a FOR control structure described below is pushed on the stack. There's no stack pointer used, the FOR statement scans the stack for the first unused location instead (a free location is cleared with zeroes). NEXT scans all stack entries for matching control variable.

     4 words        STEP value
     4 words        TO value
     1 word         address of the first character after the FOR
                    statement, it's the place where the NEXT iteration
                    loop resumes execution
     1 word         address of the control variable (points to the end
                    of the variable), or 0000 when entry free

GOSUB stack

Executing a GOSUB statement pushes the return address (address of the first character after the GOSUB statement) on the first GOSUB stack, and the current BASIC line beginning address on the second GOSUB stack.
RETURN frees the top stack location by clearing it with value 0000. The concept doesn't use any stack pointer either.

Memory map

  8000-805F  60 bytes   display memory
  8060-812B  66 words   system stack
                        also used as error handle buffer
                        (starts from 8060, 40 bytes)
  812C-814D  22 words   expression evaluator stack, holds codes of
                        operators, grows downwards
                        also used as buffer for concatenated strings
                        (starts from 812F, 1F bytes)
                        also the string returned by the ANS key
  814E-816C  1F bytes   string variable $
  816D-81AC  40 bytes   input line buffer
  81AD-81B3   7 bytes   user defined character
  81B4-81C3   8 words   first GOSUB stack for return addresses,
                        holds 8 entries, grows upwards
  81C4-81D3   8 words   second GOSUB stack for BASIC line beginning
                        addresses, holds 8 entries, grows upwards
  81D4-8223  28 words   FOR stack, holds 4 entries, grows upwards
  8224-822B   4 words   variable ANS
  822C-823F   A words   addresses of ends of BASIC programs 0-9
  8242-8243   1 word    code of the parsed command/function/operator
  8244-8247   2 words   local temporary variables
  8248-8249   1 word    expression evaluator stack pointer
  824E-824F   1 word    RAN# seed
  8250-8251   1 word    number of variables, initialised to 1A
  8252-8253   1 word    top of the RAM
  8254-8255   1 word    position of an error
  8256-8257   1 word    mode
  8258-8259   1 word    indirect jump address (where to resume
                        execution after STOP)
                        also local temporary variable
  825A-825B   1 word    BASIC program counter
                        also local temporary variable
  825C-825D   1 word    address of the beginning of current BASIC line
  825E-825F   1 word    previous keyboard state
  8260-8261   1 word    pointer to the input line buffer 816D
  8262-8263   1 word    keyboard mode
  8264-8265   1 word    flags
  8266        1 byte    keyboard timer
  8267        1 byte    number printing precision
  8268        1 byte    selected program
  8269        1 byte    cursor position
  826A        1 byte    counter of failed attempts to identify an
                        apparently pressed key

From the address 826B begin BASIC programs.
Variables occupy the end of the RAM area, variable A is at the highest location.