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Miscellaneous programs

Conversion utilities - file size: 13kB, source and executable, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

This utility converts the Casio FX-700P BASIC programs in ASCII format to the tape image format (file transferred through the serial port using the tape interface with the software version 27).

Usage: program.bas > outfile.txt

  • Relational operators <>, <= and >= are converted to equivalent Casio codes 0x0F, 0x0B, 0x0D. Forms ><, =< and => are accepted as well.
  • Numerical constants in exponential form can be noted as 1.23E5 or 5.67E-8, the E and E- strings are replaced with equivalent Casio codes 0x0F and 0x0E.
  • String PI is converted to the Casio code 0x1B.

download - file size: 10kB, source and executable, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)
download - file size: 10kB, source and executable, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

These programs display the contents of a tape image saved by the FX-700P or FX-730P calculator (through the serial port using the tape interface with the software version 27). Files with variables (saved using PUT) aren't supported.

Usage: infile.txt

The output can be redirected to a file or a printer.

download - file size: 13kB, source and executable, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

This utility is designed for the Texas Instruments TI-74 pocket computer. It does the opposite of what TIC74 program (supplied with the PC-Interface) does: Converts the compressed BASIC .PGM files to plain ASCII text format.

Usage: pgm2b74.exe infile.pgm [outfile.b74]

The output file name is optional, by default it will be the same as the input file name with the extension changed to .B74.

More conversion utilities (supporting the tape and floppy disk images as well) are available on the Marcus' von Cube web page.

MD-100 floppy disk utilities

download - file size: 8kB, source and executable, DOS and Windows 95/98 (in the command line mode)

This program can read and write the MD-100 floppy disk image.

Usage: command disk_image_file

- reading the disk contents to the image file GAMES.BIN: r games.bin
- writing the image file DATABASE.BIN to the disk: w database.bin

The program will not work under Windows 2000, NT, XP, nor is guaranteed to work under Windows 95/98 with GUI loaded.

Assemblers - file size: 21kB, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

Assembler for the μPD1007 microprocessor used in the Casio FX-8000G calculator. The program produces a binary output file of the same name as the input file, but with a BIN extension.

Usage: [options] infile.txt


  • The optional switch -L enables the listing file.
  • The optional switch -T selects the test mode (assembly of instructions typed on the keyboard instead of loaded from a file). In the test mode the program can be terminated with the END instruction (obligatory preceded by a space). - file size: 22kB, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

Assembler for the HD62076/μPD3055 microprocessor used in the Casio SF-9xxx series of organizers and for the HD62023/μPD1037 microprocessor used in the Casio FX-7500G calculator. The program produces a binary output file of the same name as the input file, but with a BIN extension.

Usage: [options] infile.txt


  • The optional switch -L enables the listing file.
  • The optional switch -T selects the test mode (assembly of instructions typed on the keyboard instead of loaded from a file). In the test mode the program can be terminated with the END instruction (obligatory preceded by a space).

Disassemblers - file size: 13kB, source and executable, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

Simple disassembler for the HD61700 microprocessor used in the Casio PB-1000 pocket computer, supporting roughly the same list of undocumented instructions as the version 0.20 of the (much more powerful) DA61 Disassembler. The program originated as a study for an emulator project.

Usage: infile.bin [address] [/w] > outfile.txt

  • The optional starting address can be specified as a hexadecimal number without any prefixes. If omitted, a default value 0000 is assumed.
  • The optional switch /w selects the 16-bit (word-size) memory access (applicaple for the microprocessor internal 16-bit ROM). If omitted, a default 8-bit (byte-size) memory access is assumed. - file size: 14kB, source and executable, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

Simple disassembler for the μPD1007 microprocessor used in the Casio FX-8000G calculator.

Usage: infile.bin [address] > outfile.txt

  • The optional starting address can be specified as a hexadecimal number without any prefixes. If omitted, a default value 0000 is assumed. - file size: 13kB, source and executable, DOS and Windows (in a DOS window)

Simple disassembler for the HD62076/μPD3055 microprocessor used in the Casio SF-9xxx series of organizers and for the HD62023/μPD1037 microprocessor used in the Casio FX-7500G calculator.

Usage: infile.bin [address] > outfile.txt

  • The optional starting address can be specified as a hexadecimal number without any prefixes. If omitted, a default value 0000 is assumed.