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Differences between Elektronika MK-85 and Casio FX-700P

Even if the Elektronika MK-85 very closely resembles the Casio FX-700P, there exist significant differences between them. Following information is meant as an addendum to the Casio manual for non-Russian MK-85 users, and should help to port programs between both models.

New operators specific to the MK-85

CHR n - returns a character of specified code

  CHR 65                 - displays A

ASCI "character" - returns the code of specified character

  ASCI "A"               - displays 65

GETC string, n - extracts a single character from a string or a string variable

  A$ = "ABCDEF"
  GETC (A$,3)           - displays the character "C"

LETC "*******" - defines an user defined character of code 96, asterisks denote bitmap codes from the table below:

  00000 0    01000 8    10000 G    11000 O
  00001 1    01001 9    10001 H    11001 P
  00010 2    01010 A    10010 I    11010 Q
  00011 3    01011 B    10011 J    11011 R
  00100 4    01100 C    10100 K    11100 S
  00101 5    01101 D    10101 L    11101 T
  00110 6    01110 E    10110 M    11110 U
  00111 7    01111 F    10111 N    11111 V

  LETC "LALALAL"        - defines a checkboard pattern
  CHR 96                - displays the defined character

This function cannot be used in a subroutine due to a bug.

DRAW x, y - plots a dot at screen coordinates x (in range 0 to 59) and y (in range 0 to 6), the pixel in the lower-left corner has coordinates 0,0

  10 FOR X=0 TO 59 STEP 2
  20 DRAW X, SIN(X*18)*3+3.5
  30 NEXT X

DRAWC x, y - similar to DRAW except that it clears the pixel

AUTO line_number_interval - automatically supplies line numbers when typing in a new program

TEST - performs a test of the ROM, RAM and display, all programs and data will be erased

WHO - displays information about the author of the firmware (undocumented)

Quantitative differences

  FX-700P MK-85 or MK-85M
Number of program steps 1568 1221 or 5317
Number of variables 26 up to 222 26 up to 178 or 690
Range of displayed numbers ±1*10-99 to ±9.999999999*1099 ±1*10-4095 to ±9.999999999*104094
Operand ranges for the functions
sin x, cos x, tan x |x| < 1440° (8π rad, 1600 gra) limited only by the representation of numbers
arcsin x, arccos x |x| ≤ 1 |x| ≤ 1
arctan x not specified |x| < 104094
log x, ln x x > 0 0 < x < 104094
ex x = 1 (note 1) -9429 ≤ x ≤ +9429
square root x ≥ 0 0 ≤ x ≤ 104094
xy x > 0 (note 2) |x| < 104094
if x < 0 then y must be an integer


  1. The PC-4 manual (OEM version of the FX-700P) specifies the supported operand range as:
    -227 ≤ x ≤ +230
    However, in the FX-700P manual Casio acknowledges some bug in the function EXP and recommends using it only for calculating the mathematical constant e (the base of the natural logarithm).
  2. In the PC-4 manual negative values for the base of the power function are allowed when the exponent is a positive integer.

MK-85 keyboard modes

The key sequence [MODE][.] toggles between the normal and extended keyboard mode.

Normal mode

Extended mode (indicated by the EXT sign on the display)

Other MK-85 features