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A part of the Casio PB-1000 firmware is hidden in the processor's internal 16-bit ROM of size 3072 words. It can be used only as program memory, data access isn't possible (except of constants encoded as a part of immediate addressing mode instructions). Therefore, all constant tables used by the procedures in this ROM have to be placed in external memory space (for example CORDIC tables, floating point constants, keyboard data, fonts...).
Due to this limitation the internal ROM cannot be directly read out. However, I managed to extract the ROM contents by single-stepping the code (by applying an IRQ2 interrupt pulse during execution of each instruction).
For this purpose all bus signals have been lead out to a connector inserted into a test socket of an universal device programmer TopMax controlled by a PC. With this equipment I can execute any single instruction, modify and examine the register and memory contents, log all bus activities, count cycles. The instructions can then be attempted to be identified.
The archive contains the partially commented ROM disassembly reconstructed using this method.
Some instructions cannot be distinctly identified, as the same result can be obtained in various manner. Examples:
sbbm $5,$5,8 xrm $5,$5,8
anc $2,$3 anc $3,$2
In some cases not only the instruction could be identified, but also the actual memory contents. It is possible by executing the code starting from a second word of a 2-word instruction. Examples:
0144: 4201 2E00 ld $1,&H2E ;actual instruction 0145: 2E00 pps $0 ;side-effect instruction
0020: 37EE 00FF jp &HFFEE ;actual instruction 0021: 00FF 37C7 adc $31,$23,jr &HFFDB ;side-effect instruction 0022: 37C7 00FF jp &HFFC7 ;actual instruction 0023: 00FF D113 adc $31,$17,jr &H0037 ;side-effect instruction 0024: D113 0900 ldw $19,&H0009 ;actual instruction ... 010A: 4100 3000 sbc $0,&H30 ;actual instruction 010B: 3000 B503 jp z,&H0300 ;side-effect instruction 010C: B503 jr c,&H010F ;actual instruction ... 0162: 7716 0001 cal &H0116 ;actual instruction 0163: 0001 adc $1,$sx ;side-effect instruction
013A: 4281 2C0B ld $1,&H2C,jr &H0146 ;actual instruction 013B: 2C0B ldd $11,(ix+$sx) ;side-effect instruction ... 0178: 89E4 0284 sbw $4,$2,jr &H0175 ;actual instruction 0179: 0284 8864 ld $4,$sx,jr &H01DE ;side-effect instruction 017A: 8864 0200 adw $4,$2 ;actual instruction
0454: 379E 00FF jp &HFF9E ;actual instruction 0455: 00FF FFFF adc $31,$31,jr &H03D7 ;side-effect instruction 0456: FFFF trp ;unused location